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Aurora On Demand Game Archive

Basketball basketball icon Girls

Fri, 01/17/25

56 Grand Island Northwest,Vikings Mascot Grand Island NorthwestVikings
24 Adams Central,Patriots Mascot Adams CentralPatriots
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Thu, 01/16/25

53 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
32 Milford,Eagles  Mascot MilfordEagles
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Thu, 01/16/25

60 Milford,Eagles  Mascot MilfordEagles
22 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/14/25

41 Central City,Bison Mascot Central CityBison
37 St Paul,Wildcats  Mascot St PaulWildcats
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/14/25

66 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
51 York High School,Dukes Mascot York High SchoolDukes
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/14/25

57 Hitchcock County,Falcons Mascot Hitchcock CountyFalcons
55 Dundy County-Stratton,Tigers Mascot Dundy County-StrattonTigers
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/14/25

50 Central City,Bison Mascot Central CityBison
26 St Paul,Wildcats  Mascot St PaulWildcats
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/14/25

62 York High School,Dukes Mascot York High SchoolDukes
34 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/14/25

47 Dundy County-Stratton,Tigers Mascot Dundy County-StrattonTigers
32 Hitchcock County,Falcons Mascot Hitchcock CountyFalcons
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Sat, 01/11/25

54 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
52 Sidney High School,Red Raiders Mascot Sidney High SchoolRed Raiders