GI Police Report

News media report for: 03/20/25
All crimes reported in this news media report are felonies for the past 24 hours. For more information on reports, please contact Capt. Dean Elliott.
Offense: Domestic Assault
Victim: 27 yr old female Incident #: L25032008
Offender: Jake D T Jacquot
Date and Time of Incident: 3/19/25 @ 15:20
Location of Incident: 2607 W 4th St
Brief Narrative: Victim reported she transported Jake D T Jacquot to the residence where she and her daughter are staying. She stated while Jake was at the residence he physically assaulted her causing redness to her back, slapped her, and punched her, causing pain. The victim was found to be the protected party of an active and served protection order in which Jake is the restricted party. Jake
was located nearby after he attempted to flee from officer contact. Jake was placed under arrest and during a Miranda interview, denied assaulting the victim or having any contact with her. Jacquot was arrested for 3rd Degree Domestic Assault and Protection Order Violation.
Offense: Assault
Victim: 55 yr old male Incident #: L25032019
Offender: Alberto Navarro Hidalgo
Date and Time of Incident: 3/19/25 @ 19:09
Location of Incident: 2323 Bellwood Dr; #35
Brief Narrative: On 3/19/2025 around 1900 officers responded to 2323 Bellwood Dr; 35 in reference to a disturbance. Victim and witness reported Alberto Navarro Hidalgo assault the victim who lived in the same house. Alberto was arrested for 3rd degree assault. Alberto would resist officers while attempting to be booked into Hall County Corrections. Alberto also had a prior conviction for resisting arrest. Alberto Navarro Hidalgo was arrested for 3rd Degree Assault and Resisting Arrest 2nd.
Offense: Assault
Victim: 48 yr old male Incident #: L25032045
Date and Time of Incident: between 3/3/25 & 3/20/25
Location of Incident: 1602 W 2nd St
Brief Narrative: A male advised a known male had assaulted him.